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Monday, August 23, 2004

Utility Computing's Perfect Storm via ITULP

Richard Greenman, Cassatt corp.says,"We see a series of trends that create a perfect storm driving the deployment of these service-based systems, whether it is the modernization of hardware, which is inevitable with Moore's Law, and pricing, or it is the need to build more scalable, less brittle, highly available and redundant systems. There are a whole lot of things happening in the marketplace that you can see crystalizing for scalable grid architectures built on increasingly commoditized platforms. The players [more likely to succeed] in my point of view are the independent vendors that are able to deploy heterogeneous solutions. I think none of the big names players will be well positioned in the future". Richard adds,"There are basic concepts that people will need to wrap their heads around and then we can work backwards into the current timeframe being service level agreements and utility computing. The concepts embodied in those two ideas really will drive how businesses get architected. Today you own a specific piece of hardware, and on that hardware runs this or these applications. And department X is paying for those services running on that hardware and application. Those physical bindings of money, hardware, apps and service are really going to become virtualized: where there is going to be a collection of physical hardware out there, there is going to be a set of services necessary to run the business and somehow the IT department is going to have to deal with very dynamic allocation and billing of this virtual hardware infrastructure to fufill the needs of a purchaser of IT services. So the attractions of virtualization that are embodied in SLAs and utility computing are the concepts that people must get their heads around in separating the virtual and physical world".Richard, who was heading the Solaris OS group while at Sun offers his perspective on open source and utility computing as,"Open source per se is not the driving force for autonomic computing. There are two dominant forces in the OS platform " Linux and Windows IT organizations rely on each to build their distributed systems and both in fact to build their distributed systems and autonomic solutions. We are going to focus on each or both to make sure we can provide solutions for what IT needs. Each has values and strengths and brings a different sets of virtues".
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