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Thursday, August 26, 2004

Guy Kawasaki's - Art of the Start manifesto via Change This

This manifesto is an excerpt from Guy Kawasaki's book - "Art of the Start". Guy has written this book for aspiring entrepreneurs and has woven this book in an excellent tapestry of powerful ideas and structured formatting embellished with very rich examples. Guy Kawasaki's book/manifesto has very powerful ideas. He typically wants aspiring entrepreneurs to start thinking in the GIST (Great Ideas For Starting Business)format and lists five themes: A. Make a meaning. B. Make Mantra. C. Get Going. D. Define Business Model E. Weave a Mat. Please read my earlier related post on this - Guy Kawasaki's "Art of the Start". Guy has expanded on these themes admirably. For instance he writes at length about creating a "Mantra" instead of mission for the enterprise.In his own inimitable way,he expands this with some real examples. Nike -"Authentic Athletic Experience", Disney -"Fun, Family and Entertainment", Starbucks - "Rewarding Everyday Moments", IBM -"Think", Vince Lombardi's Green Bay Packers -" Winning Is Everything".An excellent read and highly recommended for all aspiring entrepreneurs.
ThinkExist.com Quotes
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