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Monday, August 30, 2004

Ericsson pulls plug on Bluetooth team

Ericsson is pulling the plug on its technology licensing unit, the wholly-owned subsidiary which invented Bluetooth wireless technology and became the driving force behind the company's Bluetooth initiative.Ericcson shall discontinue its design and development of new Bluetooth products for the semiconductor industry.Although Ericsson will continue its involvement in the Bluetooth Special Interest Group as a promoter of the technology, Johan Akesson, VP,Ericcson, said, "We will no longer develop new hardware or new IPs based on the Bluetooth specification." Ericsson also won't pursue new chip customers for Bluetooth technology licensing.Ericsson's decision comes as the Bluetooth standard has reached a mature state, and Bluetooth products are available in volume. "Even though large volumes are manufactured, we've found that the long-term business case for Ericsson Technology Licensing is not strong enough." I think that Bluetooth never reached any critical mass. The HP-IPAQ that I bought which uses Bluetooth looks like a little anachronastic to me in the Blackberry days.

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