The pace of outsourcing is not slowing down.If the results of a couple of recent surveys pan out as expected, we can expect plenty of IT outsourcing over the coming year—and on a pretty massive scale, too.TPI says that 18 to 20 "megadeals"—ones it defines as contracts that exceed a billion dollars—could close by the end of the year. The market-research firm adds that the second quarter of 2004 saw a 35 percent increase in the value of IT-outsourcing contracts over last year's second quarter, meaning that wider scale outsourcing of IT is already on the rise. TPI's findings, if accurate, basically confirm a recent trend toward long-term, full-scale shifting of enterprise-IT services from companies to outsourcing providers, complete with transfer of IT staffs to the service provider. A decade from now,the in-house IT department at large enterprises may not even exist.
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