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Sunday, June 27, 2004

Bill Gates may start blogging via Seattle Times

Yes, the world's richest man may start his own blog, one of those online diaries that have been the rage among techies for the past three or four years.Bill's blog won't be all business, either. He's expected to share personal details such as tidbits from recent vacations, according to tech pundit Mary Jo Foley's Microsoft Watch newsletter. Citing unnamed sources, she reported yesterday that Gates is about to start blogging "real soon now."Microsoft spokesman Mark Murray would not confirm the story, but left open the possibility, saying, "Bill would love to do his own blog at some point in the future, time permitting."Murray noted that Gates talked up blogging at gathering of executives in Redmond last month. Several microsoft employees are currently active in the blog circuit - just under a week back, a microsoft employee got a positive mail reply from Bill Gates to a question whether he likes her blogging. Seriously Gates spoke highly of blogging potential in his recent address Microsft CEO summit 2004 last month.At last month's Microsoft-sponsored CEO Summit, conceived as a forum for chief executives to network and discuss business issues, Gates said blogs are useful for sharing information, particularly because they can notify people when new information is added."And so if I do a trip report, say, and put that in a blog format, then all the employees at Microsoft who really want to look at that and who have keywords that connect to it or even people outside, they can find the information," he said, according to a transcript of his talk.
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