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Saturday, May 01, 2004

on eBay user experience

Andre Haddad, vice president of user experience and design for eBay says, "Pierre Omidyar's vision was to create efficient markets. He was thinking of a public forum that could enable to interact based on commerce. In a public forum, honest dealings are encouraged, and despite the fact that buyers and sellers are strangers, the system helps support trust."What actually happens on the platform? A tractor or tractor part sells every hour. A video game sells every eight seconds. An IBM laptop is sold every 3.5 minutes. A digital camera sells every minute. And trading cards sell every six seconds.There are two extremes thinking that eBay is a retailer and thinking that it's a marketplace in which there's no human intervention. eBay is a marketplace manager. We provide the framework for trade, inspire the culture to the community of users, and provide the eBay community with a suite of tools.Think about eBay as a neighborhood marketplace. It's at the intersection of commerce and community. Interactions are personal. eBay works at the tale ends of the product lifecycle: collectibles and extremely new and scarce products.The buying experience brings a joy of discovery and excitement. Winning or losing an auction at the very last minute is a very human experience. And the community experience encourages interaction and communication.
ThinkExist.com Quotes
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