Shekar Gupta writes,"For, if there’s one thing Verdict 2004 tells us, it’s this: the voter wants to see a better future, not tomorrow or the day after but today."This dramatic verdict is as much about anti-incumbency as about the rising expectations of our voter. As reform pulls more Indians above the poverty line, they are moving the bar of their expectations higher. From roti, kapada aur makaan to bijli, sadak, paani and then education, health, social dignity and security, all quality-of-life issues. This voter is more unforgiving, demanding, tougher to fool. It would then require something extraordinary to blunt his almost compulsive rejection of the incumbent. Vajpayee had it in him to do so. There were times when he rose above his party in the national interest. A pity, the party failed to rise with him and when it went out seeking votes in his name, there was a disconnect. As if he did not belong to them, or they did not deserve him. He concludes,"For, if there’s one thing Verdict 2004 tells us, it’s this: the voter wants to see a better future, not tomorrow or the day after but today."
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