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Sunday, May 23, 2004

Classical Finally Cracks the Internet via NYtimes

Internet2, the next generation, with enough broadband capacity to transmit huge quantities of data, including CD-quality sound and DVD-quality images, at as much as 250 megabytes per second (more than 4,000 times the rate of a standard dial-up modem; more than 800 times that of a cable modem)can enable misical conferences over the net. No more transmission glitchesThe classical music world has been trying to figure out how best to exploit the Internet for years. In the late 1990's, it seemed that every American orchestra was trying to create a Web site with more bells and whistles than every other orchestra's: streamed concerts, educational games, interactive program notes. But users with average modems had trouble taking full advantage of the extras. Webcasts were interrupted by transmission glitches; fancy Web sites took ages to download. It gradually emerged that the most important function of a Web site for a performing-arts institution was selling tickets to events. Can this help to be the elearning media for music - the answer is - this media would be an enhancement to learning and shall not be a substitute to music learning.
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