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Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Gearing up for Grid

Financial advisers at Charles Schwab will notice a substantial improvement in their real-time retirement planning tool. That's because retirement-scenario calculations that used to take many minutes to compute are now completed in seconds thanks to a change in the way the firm has designed its computing infrastructureDaniel Powers, vice president of grid computing strategy at IBM Corporation, agrees that grid computing is ripe for financial-services firms. That's because financial services is an industry that has a tremendous number of applications to run in a high-performance computing environment. Moreover, he notes, online brokers deploy a large number of servers. "When you look at the utilization characteristics of servers, it's up and down. There's a tremendous amount of unused capacity. There's a really good opportunity to mix the computing environment to fit different parts of the business." To summarise, grid computing advantage shall be :
-Running several trade scenarios in parallel, enabling more sophisticated analysis in a shorter timeframe.
-Working in a heterogeneous environment and taking advantage of different operating systems and hardware.
-Adding processing power quickly and easily.
-Using the grid infrastructure for a variety of analytical functions.
-Scheduling jobs and restarting operations more easily.
-Better use of resources.
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