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Saturday, March 20, 2004

Gunning for the U.S. in Technology Via Bweek

Once the undisputed leader, America is now under assault from countries worldwide. How did this happen, and will the U.S. be able to fight back?For half a century, America has reigned supreme in technology. U.S. research institutions have been the best on the planet, and the U.S. capital-formation machine has turned their discoveries into one breakthrough after another in transistors, communications gear, computers, and just about every other key high-tech field. Israel, Japan, Nordic countries, Europe specifically Airbus and aggressive research fundings by China, Singapore, and Taiwan pose a serious threat to the US leadership on Innovation.Sun's Papadopoulos says, "he sees no indications that China or India or anyone else is going to drive the next wave of conceptual thinking," he says. "So unless we fail to invest properly in education or to exploit the culture we have, I don't see a threat to our ability to shape what the global technology ecosystem will look like. Very interesting article.
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