I thought there was an embargo on writing about a few special breakout sessions. Apparently Vinnie has persuaded to have the embargo lifted. So here it is. In one session of the CIO dialogue forum Vinnie presented on the great things that IT has delivered and pointed to future opportunities for increasing the efficiency and fostering innovation. Among the things that Vinnie brought forth included, various ways by which technology is revolutionizing business and the opportunity to remove $400 billion a year in "utility" IT spend for next few years – he argued that this can be redeployed for fuelling innovation. While I have pointed out earlier that R&D expenses can’t be correlated to innovation inside enterprises, I must say,with applied innovation models ever expanding, ranging from business model to customer experience, the potential scope for being innovative are also increasing fast. Impressive presentation indeed, considering the galaxy of CIO’s that were there as part of the audience.
Category :Innovation,Emerging Trends, Software 2006