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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Lucent Approach :RSS For Integrating Internal Processes

Michael Angeles at Lucent Technologies has posted a really nice presentation he was scheduled to give at the Weblog and Wiki Summit about Lucent. Included is some excellent contextual information for other people interested in selling blogs as internal tools, including a "long pitch", and a "short pitch":

Michael relates to issues like :
- Why weblogs are suitable for project-related needs
- How weblog tools might be introduced to your project
- Review practices for implementing weblogs and provides solution outlines
- The Long Pitch for CIO's
- The Short Pitch for CIO's

From this presentation, one should be able to:
1) Observe and evaluate corporate experiences in grassroots publishing and knowledge creation using weblogs
2) Identify issues that may arise with the organic growth of grassroots-created information.
3) Establish best practices for your users, your goals and your information ecology.

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