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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Corporate Dealmaker Tools

When it comes to corporate valuations, Its not just Hoovers or SEC filings. Lorne Groe writes about the method that he follows on finding needed data for the purposes of valuation - He is listing more than a dozen sources that he uses to tap right data. Note the fact that all the listed ones are online sources - though one might have anyway expected so. I have seen few due diligence reports listing plain facts albeit compiled neatly. While reading this do not miss out reading Bill Burnham's excellent list of Venture M&A.While I am certainly not using the various data sources that he has listed, I do agree with him that the best place to mine for gold nuggets like revenue or EBITDA of the target is conference calls. These calls are full of data, and the transcripts can be used to document my numbers. I see that not many listen and make use of conference calls as much as it could provide for so much of focused data..

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