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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Indibloggies 2005 - Stage 1 Winners

Many of you would have known about/read blogs of the 2004 Indiblog winners. Stage 1 Indibloggies 2005 nomination stands completed now. The qualified blogs were selected through a well thought out mechanism of nominations and juror selections blogs. Some fabulous blogs have been shortlisted. The first stage finalists are listed here. Get ready to vote when it is thrown open – should be in a short period from now.
I was one among the jurors. Congratulations to Debashish and fellow jurors - it was an exemplary and enjoyable effort of a smart team coming together and bringing thing upto this stage. It was a good experience to use del.icio.us for the public nominations and scuttle for juror ratings. The whole journey was thoroughly enjoyable and it provided an opportunity to come in contact and connect with so many bloggers and their blogs. Last year winners have been excluded from the same category in this years shortlist.

Debashish summarises the process followed and the outcome thus far:
With more than 300 nominations made over 10 days and close to 25 Jurors browsing through the myriad flavors of writing and rating them, Stage one of the Indibloggies 2005 edition has come to an end. For the first time in the Indibloggies, and perhaps in the history of the internet, a social bookmarking tool was used in an award event.
Some interesting points:
- Indibloggies used the bookmarking tool del.icio.us for the nomination and Scuttle for the juror-rating phase.
- Jurors rated blogs in several award-categories on a scale of -1 to 5. A weighted score was calculated based on all Juror ratings for a blog in a particular category and a merit list prepared. The final list, in almost all categories, that makes it to second and the final stage comprises of blogs that were 40 percentile or above in the merit list.
- 63% of the nominated blogs were Blogger.com blogs. If few other blog-hosting services like live-journal may be ignored, Wordpress blogs must have been a close second.
- In all 193 blogs were rated by the jurors with about 15 blogs ending up with a negative or zero final score.
- Like last year, a private mailing list had all the Jurors deliberating and discussing over issues before and during the rating process.
- The whole rating process was also audited throughout, by three of the jurors to ensure a smooth completion. Please read, enjoy, go ahead and choose your favourites.

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