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Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Gaining Momentum

You can think of this as a followup to the post Web 2.0 Applications Collections That Can Replace Desktop Apps. Ismael Ghalimi, the CEO of Intalio, has an informative blog about his application of GTD within a Web 2.0 application environment. Ismael has creatively coined a term office 2.0. As he sees it - the idea is pretty simple: use a generic web browser and a set of online services to provide all the functionality needed by a computer user, removing the need for any application to be installed on the computer itself. He is attempting through the extensive use of carefully selected services such as Gmail and Salesforce.com, to increase personal productivity without using using any application installed on a personal computer other than a web browser. No word processor. No spreadsheet editor. No email client. No files on the local file system. He is hoping to see if Sun’s original vision for the network as computer can actually be turned into reality today. He extends his thinking into the practical realm of organizing say-to-day things modeled after GTD methods of personal organization. This can also be seen as an early example of businessweb and in a way the internet ecosystem’s impact on the software world. The details therein and the energy & enthusiasm shown in building such apps are amazing – clearly pointing to the fact that a new niche is getting created – one that would get stronger and stronger in the days to come. I continue to hold the view that clearly the web2.0 movement is gaining momentum - though the coverage seems to be ahead - calling for a reality check. In it own waythe web2.0 ecosystem is beginning to be felt, albeit a small niche now.

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