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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Forbes.com Revenue To Exceed Forbes Print Edition Revenue!!

BtoBonline writes about mastering new tools for digital media. Excerpts with edits:
- Robert Metcalfe feels that the "blogosphere" throws all sorts of old patterns into disarray. Noting there are currently 10 million blogs worldwide, a number that is predicted to double in five months, Metcalfe stressed the technology and its impact on publishing was "still playing out and will be evolving for a long time." Specifically he said to watch for developments in the delivery of blogs to mobile devices, as well as the emergence of video blogs and new search mechanisms for blogged content.
- Jim Spanfeller, president-CEO of Forbes.com, responding to an audience question said Forbes.com will surpass the print edition in terms of revenue, probably in about 18 to 20 months.Forbes.com is run as a separate company within Forbes Inc.
- Jeffrey S. Klein, president-CEO of 101communications, which recently converted several of its e-newsletters to blogs, said, "Digital delivery is here to stay for a while, but we need to entice more advertisers to use it."More than 50,000 of 101communications’ 350,000 subscriptions are delivered in digital, Adobe PDF form, said Klein, who commented online revenue for his media company was up 37% last year and up 34% so far this year. But Klein also put online revenue in a larger context, noting that his online properties which are affiliated with either offline events or print titles perform better than purely online products.

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