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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

New York Times Gets 5.9 million March Page Views From RSS

The New York Times Company reported today that for March, NYTimes.com achieved a traffic record of 555 million pageviews, a 17% increase from March 2004, according to internal data. The previous monthly record was set in January when NYTimes.com had 553 million pageviews, a 30% increase from January of last year. Unique visitors increased to 15 million in March, up 10% from the previous year. RSS feeds generated by The New York Times generated 5.9 million pageviews on NYTimes.com in March, an increase of 39% from February and a 342% increase from March 2004. The New York Times serves advertisements on each page and generates a significant amount of additional revenue by producing RSS feeds of its content. The sections that were most popular among RSS feeds included: Washington and Business. The feeds have been available since February 2002 at (www.nytimes.com/rss).The New York Times serves advertisements on each page and generates a significant amount of additional revenue by producing RSS feeds of its content

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