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Saturday, October 02, 2004

Point. Shoot. Kiss It Good-Bye via Wired

An excellent article in Wired magazine that identifies the current problems and issues around metatagging digital images. Its a coomon concern for all about the best way to tag and organize these images for search. The article identifies approaches for metatagging digital pictures.
Manual tagging - Most photo management programs let you tag pictures with searchable keywords. To minimize drudgery, some let you create a palette of phrases - names, locations, events - that can be dragged and dropped onto images.
On-location tagging - When you click the shutter, a digital camera captures not only a photo but also data that can help identify the image: date, time, whether the flash fired. Future cameras with built-in GPS receivers could record the location.
Data mining - Personal information stored in a your calendar, address book, and email app can provide clues for photo searches. For instance, software could look for the word "birthday" in your calendar and return shots taken on those dates.
Scene recognition - Scene recognition looks for similarities in color to identify photos taken in a particular setting, from a particular viewpoint - the sand-and-sky pattern of a beach, for instance.
Facial recognition - Current facial recognition software gets flummoxed by variations in lighting and angle. But eventually it might be accurate enough to sort a limited number of portraits, especially if they've been shot head-on under bright conditions.
Social networking - Computers have a hard time identifying faces, places, and events, but for people, it's a breeze. Sharing photos over a social network distributes the work of tagging by letting members enter details themselves. This assumes high significance now as current version of microsoft office products do not support metatagging pictures in the desktop environment.
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